Airport transits can be a very tiresome experience and many travelers wonder what to do to kill time during those long, dreary hours spent in between flights. Here are some helpful tips on what you can do at the airport while waiting for your flight:

1. Get a Transit Visa
If you know you have a connecting flight on your travels and the transit is eight hours or more, it’s always a good option to get a transit visa. You can visit a nearby city and enjoy yourself for a bit but be careful that you are aware of the time and don’t end up missing your flight.

2. Treat yourself with a bit of shopping
Most of us love shopping and airports have plenty of shopping options, whether it’s for clothes, jewelry, perfumes, books, souvenirs, etc. You don’t necessarily have to buy stuff – window shopping will also work just fine to kill time depending on how many shops the airport has or how long you take to check the items they sell. And don’t forget to take photos as well for all your social media pages! And remember, retail therapy almost always works to lift your mood.

3. Get yourself a bite to eat
Waiting always makes you hungry so why not find a restaurant at the airport and grab yourself a nice, hot meal and a cup of coffee too? Eating will help you kill an hour or two depending on how fast or slow an eater you are. Or you can find a cozy corner to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and read a book and as book lovers would undoubtedly know, time will just slip by when you’re engrossed in a book with a drink in hand. Restaurants are also great places for you to find new friends, get to know people and have a good chat with those who have dropped by.

4. Browse the internet

Some airports have free internet surfing spots so make sure you find out about them. Most of these surfing spots don’t have seating facilities so you’ll have to browse the internet standing. If you’re up to the task for standing for at least an hour while browsing, you can definitely kill some time this way too.

5. Enjoy people-watching

This might sound like a silly pastime but you will be amazed at how interesting it can be to watch people from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds pass by. So just get a comfortable seat, relax and watch all the action and drama of people rushing about not to miss their flights, all those little things kids do at the airport and don’t forget the mini fashion show experience you’ll have!

6. Get some much-needed shut-eye

When traveling, we are always deprived of sleep so look around the airport and you may be lucky enough to snag a comfortable seat and get yourself a few hours of precious sleep until it’s time to board your flight. If you are not comfortable dozing on plastic seats, you can even try the carpeted floor and you don’t need to worry about dirt because most the time, the floors are vacuumed clean. It wouldn’t hurt to also carry a small blanket or large shawl with you for situations like this. Just remember to set the alarm on your phone or ask someone to wake you up in time for your flight.

Read More:- https://blog.travelcenter.uk/what-to-do-during-airport-transits/

This Article, Information & Image Source (Copyright):- https://blog.travelcenter.uk


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